How to Install Rokkr on PC?
After successful download, you should begin the installation process of Nox App Player. For installation, you should follow all the below steps carefully to run the Rokkr on your PC.
- Go to the location where the Rokkr APK file is downloaded on the folder.
- You can either drag and drop the Rokkr APK file upon the interface of Nox App Player or can do a right-click and select Open with > Nox App Player.
- Whatever you do, the Nox App Player’s APK installer will begin the installation process of Rokker on your device.
- You should follow the easy on-screen installation guidelines, which are display on your screen.
- Next, when the installation process is finished, then exit from the installation screen.
- You will have the Rokkr APK icon that is present on the home screen of the Nox App Player.